
Sombrero, a wide-brimmed hat from Mexico, used to shield from the sun. It has a high crown, a wide brim a chin strap.


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Sombrero[a] in English refers to a type of wide-brimmed hat from Mexico, used to shield from the sun. It usually has a high-pointed crown, an extra-wide brim (broad enough to cast a shadow over the head, neck and shoulders of the wearer) that is slightly upturned at the edge, and a chin strap to hold it in place.

In Mexico, this hat type is known as sombrero de charro (“charro hat”, referring to the traditional Mexican horsemen). In Spanish, this word refers to any wide-brimmed hat.

Many early Texan cowboys adopted the Spanish and Mexican sombrero with its flat crown and wide, flat brim. Also called the poblano, these hats came from Spain. Sombreros, like cowboy hats, were designed in response to the demands of the physical environment. The concept of a broad-brimmed hat worn by a rider on horseback can be seen as far back as the Mongolian horsemen of the 13th century.[3] In hot, sunny climates hats evolved to have wide brims, which provided shade. The exact origin of the Mexican sombrero is unknown, but it is usually accepted that the hat originated with Mestizo cowboys in Central Mexico.

Cultural influence

The Mexican variation of the sombrero added an even wider brim and a high, conical crown. These are the hats worn by mariachi musicians and charros. Both types of sombreros usually include a barboquejo or chin strap.

In the Western United States, the sombrero had a high conical or cylindrical crown with a saucer-shaped brim, highly embroidered and made of plush felt.

In the Philippines, due to the influence from Spain brought about by the Manila galleon trade, the term has been assimilated into the Tagalog language in the form of sumbrero and now refers to any hat – from actual sombreros to baseball caps.

The galaxy Messier 104 is known as the Sombrero Galaxy due to its appearance. Similarly, Tampa Stadium was also known as “The Big Sombrero.”

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